What Are The Elements That An Ideal UK Dissertation Project Should Have In It?
A thesis is an essay submitted in support of a candidate. This is a very necessary document because without it the student cannot collect his degree. The basic components of a thesis are as follows:
1.Title page
This is the first page of your dissertations. It contains your topic, your name and the name of your thesis, and the date of submission.
This is a small summary of the whole thesis and comes immediately after the title page. It is basically aimed for outside readers who can evaluate whether the topic is of their interest or not.
3.Table of contents
In this section you list all our chapters in an organized way so that the reader can skim easily to the chapter he wants to read.
In this chapter you have to introduce the topic of discussion. Tell the reader why this topic is important and how can it benefit him. Also mention briefly the method that you have chosen for your research, and tell why your method is appropriate for this type of study.

This is the total information you have collected regarding your title. Literature review is actually a detailed study of the research area. You collect as much information as you can.
c.Methodology chapter
In this chapter you have to account for the method of research. You have to discuss why you have chosen this method and how it compliments your topic.
This chapter tells about your research findings. If you have found or discovered something new during your research, discuss it in this chapter, and explain how this finding is relating to your topic.
e.Discussion and analysis
Now here you can discuss the findings in detail of your research in context with your literature review. Scrutinize your results and decide whether this finding is going with your thesis or not. Take the support of the finding to prove your point of view that you might have stated in the review section.
In this section, you will derive conclusions of your whole discussion and findings. You revise everything and state your final conclusion. You can also give recommendations to the reader in this part of your UK Dissertations. If you have any new proposes concerning this area, feel free to put them forward. But keep in mind, that your data should be relevant to your discussion.
5.Annotated bibliography
This is the last most chapter of your thesis. In this chapter you will include all your reference citations, all your sources that you have used in doing this task. Along with the bibliography you have to give a small description of the site you have mentioned. The sources are organized in an alphabetical order.
UK Dissertation is a very lengthy process, so it is recommended that you begin working on it in the beginning of your first semester. It is lengthy because a lot of original research is done.