5 Effective Tips and Tricks for Dissertation Writing That Will Guarantee Success
For a student, writing a dissertation is probably the most important and most difficult task of his life.
If only there were a few tips and tricks you could follow which would make your life easier.
You’re in luck as you’ve come to the right place. We have narrowed down five important tips and tricks for you that will make research writing easy and fun.
So the question arises, what is a thesis?
To keep it simple, a dissertation is a long and formal document written to support a proposed supposition. This proposed supposition is backed with intense investigation and statistical figures. Two adjectives that should describe your efforts are ‘original’ and ‘significant’. Your work should be original and substantial enough to support the purpose of the study.

1.Choose a topic of your interest:
For a student, it is very easy to be influenced by his teachers or peers into selecting a topic that might not be of his interest. Be careful not to make that mistake. Choose a theme or field that you are related to or interested in otherwise working on the dissertations will be tricky. Also, before deciding on a theme, search it on internet and look at the information available there. Your job will be a lot easier if there are lots of articles over the internet that can be used in your study.
2.Develop a conceptual framework before you start working on the report:
A conceptual framework is a representation of basic ideas based on your own knowledge. The biggest advantage of developing a conceptual framework for yourself before you start working on the report is that it gives you a clear idea of the direction you want to take for your research through which you can keep its desired output in focus. There are several ways to develop a framework. You can either draw a cause and effect diagram or make a travel map with different destinations which can further be broken down into specific tasks and their desired goals.
3.Use the 5Ws in the thesis problem statement:
The problem statement of a research is its core essence and central point. While writing a problem statement, make sure that you answer the 5 Ws, i.e. what, when, where, who and why so that your reader has a clear understanding of the purpose of your study.
4.The more statistical backing you have, the better:
Good substantial UK Dissertations need to have an objective view instead of subjective opinions. It is a known fact that statistical views and expert opinions tend to influence people more than personal judgments’. Make sure that you use lots of substantial statistic data and renowned experts’ opinions to make your study significant.
5.Don’t underestimate the power of proper formatting and presentation:
No matter how good your thesis is, if it is not properly formatted and presented then you might as well be writing for a magazine. To make your arguments look formal and proper, make sure that you follow set guidelines of research writing that are easily available over the internet.
So there you have five tips and tricks that will make you an object of envy of your peers.