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Showing posts with the label Marcus Aurelius

Practising Stoic Philosophy

Practising Stoic Philosophy at the Gunning Library. 7th October 2017. Photo by Leslie Bush. After reading on Trove abou…

Book Notes: "The Inner Life" by Thomas à Kempis

Thomas a Kempis on Mount Agnes (c. 17th Century) via Wikimedia . The Inner Life by Thomas à Kempis My rating: 3 of 5 s…

"Into the Wild" but not Out of the Misery, or: First World Problems are simply history repeating...

The old Fairbanks City bus on The Stampede Trail, Alaska, where Christopher McCandless starved to death in 1992. A rece…

The Inner Civil War of Right and Wrong, Life and Death, and Being and Time, or: How I pine for the me who knew everything

Cypher in The Matrix : "Ignorance is bliss". I am constantly annoyed by the pro-science Atheists who think th…
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